Pricing Plans


Frequently asked questions:

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, you can opt-out at any time. Once you cancel your subscription, your books shall be removed from all eBookstores yet your account will remain open and will automatically close once your last Royalty payment has been disbursed.

Do you offer conversion and formatting services?

Yes, we offer EPUB, Fixed Layout and Amazon Print On Demand conversion and formatting services. Simply upload a WORD (doc, docx), PDF, RTF or TXT files within your dashboard account for a quote.

Can I make content changes once my ebook or print version is published?

Yes, no problem, send us an email with all the details and we will push the changes at no extra cost. Depending on the Pricing Plan you have chosen, limitations apply. Check Pricing Plans.

Can I upgrade my account at anytime?

Yes, you can upgrade your account at anytime during a given month. Simply click on «Upgrade» and you will be redirected to the Payment Plans webpage to choose your Pricing Plan.

Can I publish elsewhere?

Yes, we are a non-exclusive ebook/print distribution outlet. You maintain all rights to your work and have the freedom to publish on other digital channels or with traditional print publishing companies.

Now, if your ebook/print version is already published with one or more of our retail channels (see How it works), either choose a different eBookstore or if you prefer, remove your digital content with the retail channel and upload with us. It's up to you!

What is Instant Payment?

This is our Unique Feature. Basically, you decide when you get paid. As soon as we receive your eBookstores royalties/ebook sales, we immediately post the amount of money available/cleared (100% of your Net Sales) and send an email notification to you. A "Pay me now" option lights up green and by clicking on the icon within your dashboard account, your funds are automatically and instantly forwarded to your PayPal account. No waiting, and no holding of your funds!

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